Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I can't pick!!!!

I've been trying to work on a blog that will encourage those who have been hurt over and over again. I want to inspire them to let go of the pain, so their hearts remain soft, and pliable. I know from experience that once we've been hurt to many times we can easily allow our heart to harden. Anyways, I haven't been able to complete this blog because of the creative freedom on Blogger!!

Omgosh! I've been looking for a new blogging site forever, one with creative freedom, but I never found one that fit me well. I finally ended up BACK here on blogger. I figured I already planted some roots, and might as well stay. The thing is, I NEVER knew about all the creative options allowed by Blogger. I discovered the "html" templates and backgrounds this week!

Now for someone like me who LOVES web design, and making beautiful spaces online, the same as some love making them in the home, this is insane! I can't pick! There are so many options that my creative juices are going bonkers, which leaves my blog a bit disjointed and messy, UNTIL I can settle on something! I'm so excited!

Creative freedom! What could be better!! Yay!

OH and don't worry! I wont forget to post my inspirational blog for the brokenhearted!

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