Thursday, December 17, 2015

Drifter, the anchor holds!

      It’s so easy to drift in the ocean or veer off the road when ones not paying attention. It can happen suddenly, which snaps us back into focus. But more often than not, it happens slowly. We slowly fade. We slowly drift off point and find ourselves miles down the beach, if we slowly drift to sleep while driving we may find ourselves in a ditch. Most people think they are fine, they are in control, but reality hits. We realize we underestimated the ocean’s current and our fragile condition. Maybe we should have spent the night in a hotel. Thankfully, some roads have rumble strips also knows as sleeper lines to alert drivers when they drift from their lane.
     I wish all areas of life had these lines. Imagine it! You start veering into a different gifting or calling and you hear the rumblings. You start becoming friends with the wrong person – rumblings. You approach a restaurant that’s wrong for your diet – rumblings. It would take the guess work and ambiguity from God’s direction at times. Unfortunately, outside of beach markers and highway rumble strips life doesn’t often provide obvious bumpers and signs when we begin to drift. This is why we need the Holy Spirit. He is our rumble strip, he is our bumper. He holds us in place and keeps us in our lane.  
       Without our anchor nothing stays the same, everything moves and drifts a bit. We may try to stay put while standing in the ocean enjoying the waves, but inch by inch we are pushed until we’ve drifted farther than we anticipated. Unless we are grounded, rooted and stabilized we drift.  Are we falling asleep? Are we being pushed by the current?
    When we look at our lives and see our Christian values fading, losing sight of our faith and holy lifestyle there is usually one thing that has happen, we’ve lifted our anchor and lost our hope. Just like a bottle of water we sip on all day long we are emptied and need a refill.
     We are perfectly capable of refilling ourselves. I get filled daily! We live best when we live in an overflow state. When we allow ourselves to be drained and emptied we begin to drift. Thankfully the Holy Spirit begins to alert us that we are low and need to refill - rumblings.
    Our anchor is faithful! Our anchor holds! As long as we stay connected to The Anchor we will not drift off our marks. He holds, He’s steadfast and faithful.
       Drifter, the anchor holds!

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