Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Picking up where we left off :-)

               I love it when I run into an old friend and we are able to pick up right where we left off. There's no judgment or walls to climb over, only smiles and laughs. I love people who are able to do that. It's refreshing. My husband and I are like this- easy going, forgiving, willing to laugh and chat with people we haven't seen in years. It's a choice and for the most part we willingly keep our hearts open.
              It's always awkward to run into someone who is not like this. There is a weird tension in the air. Some people live a lifestyle of making people jump through hoops to earn their smiles and friendly conversation, but life's too short. My hubs and I could live that way as well, but it's not worth missing out on connecting with God's creations.
            Each moment, no matter how random or scarce, is special to us. Maybe we haven't seen someone in years, and after we randomly run into each other we wont see them for several more years, so what. Our heart is open to connect in that moment. It's fun. It's exciting.
             Allowing yourself to pick up where you left off is a gift you give yourself and others. It's special and worth giving. I always walk away energized. We were blessed with such a moment today. The laughs and  fresh conversation were truly a blessing.

1 comment:

Lori Logan Vance said...

I love those moments too!