Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reading the Bible for myself

        Reading the Bible for ourselves is one of the most important things we can do. God's word changes us! Many Christians today depend on a pastor to share the Bible and never actually read it for themselves. You can often tell who these people are by the things they say and do. The fruit of a Christian who does not read the Bible is quite obvious. They usually quote cute sayings, out of context verses and hold non Biblical ideas about spiritual things. When questioned their favorite thing to say is, "Don't judge me." Is this you?
        If reading the Bible seems overwhelming focus on the New Testament. As a Christ follower, we are New Testament Christians and shouldn't live our life on the wrong side of the cross. Jesus changed everything. More separates the old and new testament than a sheet of paper in our Bibles. Our covenant with God changed. In the New Testament you will learn about Christian living 101, how to love others and how to worship God with your life. It's packed full of powerful life changing information.
        I had a friend come over a few weeks ago and she told me her concerns about finding a new church and listening to teachers on TV. She said, "There's so much out there. I don't know who to follow." Do you share her concern? I told her what I'm sharing now. Read your Bible for yourself, then find a church that lines up with what you've read. Many times we follow leaders and then conform our beliefs with theirs without knowing how accurate their message is. So, read then pick.
         When it comes to who to follow, remember, we are followers of Jesus. He is the one we should be following. Scripture is often twisted, taken out of context and then accepted by those who never actually read their own Bibles. Don't put your trust in man, but the Word of God. When the Bible is the center of your life you will know God's voice and just like a sheep you will know the voice of your Shepherd and a voice of a stranger you will not follow. But if you don't know the Word, you may be easily carried away with universalism and new age Bible teachings.
           The most powerful thing we can do is know the Word for ourselves! :-)

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