"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Friday, December 26, 2014
There are dangers when judging people by their body language and facial expressions. I used to believe we could read people by their outward expressions, but the more I grow the more I'm realizing how wrong our expressions often are. Many things contribute to the way someone represents themselves and their nonverbal communication. These things include but are not limited to anxiety (fear/worry), depression (chemical imbalances), current events (positive or negative), health/sickness, family life etc.
When interviewing for a job, or meeting new people we try and put our best foot forward and give a good first impression. However, I didn't know we needed to put work into representing ourselves day in and day out. I just assumed the truth in my heart would show through on it's own. But as I'm currently learning, many things we have no control over play into how others read us.
For instance, have you heard of the RBF? Forgive my language, RBF stands for "Resting B*tch Face". I wish it was called something else but that's the popular term. It's when your natural resting face looks mean or serious. I think I've suffered with this my whole life, but only realizing this within the last two years. It makes me wonder how many times I given off the wrong impression when in fact my heart was full of love.
If I'm not purposefully putting on a pleasant face, my face naturally looks mean - it's just the way my face muscles rest. Am I a mean person? Absolutely not! Actually, if you ask those closest to me they'd say I'm silly, thoughtful and forgiving. By only judging my face you wouldn't know this. I may come across as unfriendly or uninterested when in fact my facial expressions have nothing to do with what's going on inside of me. With this discovery I'm learning not to put a lot of weight in people's faces.
Along with our face, our expressions to different life events can be misread as well. Miscommunication is a bigger issue than I ever realized and communicating well is a lot more work than I ever imagined! We have different ideas about what reads as - pleasant, excited, sad, dismissive, accepting, sarcastic, rude etc. We have ideas of what these things sound and look like to us, but others may have a different opinion about those expressions or not even realize they are using the wrong expressions. Unless we are willing to put in the hard work of good communication we likely encounter miscommunication with the majority of people we meet. How many connections are we missing out on because people don't respond or act in a way that lines up with our senses.
You may read shallowness, phoniness, and sincerity one way, while the friend you're getting to know sees those traits a different way. Unknowingly they end up giving mixed messages about their sincerity because they don't have a "mirror" to see themselves. Anxiety may be causing them to give off the wrong signals, causing you to read them wrong. There are so many things that factor into a person's nonverbal communications. How many relationships have we walked away from over miscommunication.
Look at criminals, they are master communicators. Some of the worst serial killers walked among normal people and were held up as model citizens until their exposure. They mastered good communication to a certain extent in order to manipulate our senses and build trust. Most people however don't study human behavior that closely, we don't have criminal minds or criminal motivations. We go our whole lives misrepresenting ourselves, or believing the wrong things about others. Nonverbal communication is a huge obstacle simply because we don't know we're doing it wrong or that it even exists.
From here on out I'm going to give extra grace to people and give the benefit of the doubt, realizing most people don't know what they are actually communicating. Miscommunication is the cause of many walls that separate us. As I continue to see the stones that build these walls, I'll continue to write and expose them in hopes we can grow in unity and love for one another.
I Didn't Know My Own Strength
Lost touch with my soul
I had nowhere to turn, I had nowhere to go
Lost sight of my dream
Thought it would be the end of me
I had nowhere to turn, I had nowhere to go
Lost sight of my dream
Thought it would be the end of me
I, I thought I'd never make it through
I had no hope to hold on to
I, I thought I would break
I had no hope to hold on to
I, I thought I would break
I didn't know my own strength
And I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn't know my own strength
And I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn't know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour, my faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up, hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn't know my own strength
I picked myself back up, hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn't know my own strength
Found hope in my heart
I found the light to life my way out of the dark
Found all that I need here inside of me
I found the light to life my way out of the dark
Found all that I need here inside of me
Oh, I thought I'd never find my way
I thought I'd never lift that weight
I thought I would break
I thought I'd never lift that weight
I thought I would break
I didn't know my own strength
And I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn't know my own strength
And I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
I didn't know my own strength
Survived my darkest hour, my faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up, hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn't know my own strength
I picked myself back up, hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn't know my own strength
There were so many times
I wondered how I'd get through the night
I thought I took all that I could take
I wondered how I'd get through the night
I thought I took all that I could take
I didn't know my own strength
And I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
Oh, I didn't know my own strength
And I crashed down and I tumbled, but I did not crumble
I got through all the pain
Oh, I didn't know my own strength
My faith kept me alive
I picked myself back up, I hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn't know my own strength
I picked myself back up, I hold my head up high
I was not built to break
I didn't know my own strength
I was not built to break, no, no
I got to know my own strength
I got to know my own strength
Friday, December 12, 2014
What is community?
What is community? Throughout the Bible I see pictures of Christians living life together as one, yet I've never seen this in my own life. I've seen a few missionary groups live this way, but they excluded anyone outside of their circle. I've seen random secs of Christians here and there form community, but rarely. I haven't seen it as the norm. Why is that? How is it possible for Christians to suffer from extreme loneliness when there are members of the Body of Christ everywhere? How have we be become so independent in our living and moving around day to day?
If there is community it's usually a group of people who idolize a leader of some sort, so the community is based off of mutual worship of a pastor or famous person within the church, it's not based on true fellowship - oneness of spirit and worship of God. How would we even create a healthy thriving community of believers?
I wish more people would begin asking these questions within themselves. Questions lead to answers and answers lead to solutions/change. This has been my prayer for a while now. We need God answers, God solutions, because what we've been doing as the church hasn't been working. There are to many people left out. There are many who are disconnected and scattered.
We've focused on many things as the church, but the main focus that will continue to take shape is, family. Not just your family and my family, but THE family of God. How do we expect individual families to thrive and function when we as a church are not functioning as a family? Family first.
I know part of God's role for my husband and I is to, "gather those who have been scattered", as the Lord told us. Many have given up on community, but they have not given up on Jesus. Let us focus and pray about true community, that we may gather together in power, unity and love - transforming family from the inside out.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
What's your story so far?
For many years I believed the lie that sharing our testimonies was
frowned upon because people think you are showing off, and some even labeling those
experiences as not from God, or whatever it may be.
When you start
sharing about God's power and His ability to interrupt our reality the
demons start throwing mean and hateful words your way. But we can't let a few spiritual
bullies stop us from sharing what God does for us. Our
testimonies encourage the ones with hearts after God. Evil people in the
church hate the testimonies of the saints, but the true church, the
children of God, rejoice over them.
What's your story? Join with me in asking God how He wants us to share it. :-)
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
You're already unique
There's nothing more creative or unique than being who God created you to be. God is the master Artist and He designed you. How much more unique
can you get?
Stop trying to create an image and simply BE. God already created you in His image. What else do we need? Relax and settle into the suit He's designed for you.
Friends work it out not cut you out
Friends work it out, not cut you out. If we cut off every person who hurts us, we will grow to be very lonely. I've known people who invested 7 years into a friendship, just to cut all ties when they encountered their first fight.
Friends fight, but friends also heal. We don't trash an investment because something goes wrong. Maturity leads us to work things out and move on. The longer you're friends the more chances there are to hurt one another. When hurt happens each party must be willing to work it out.
Sadly, nowadays most people simply move on, leaving a trail of burned bridges.God has not given a spirit of divorce, but a spirit of family. We are one community in Christ!
Peace I leave with you
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my
peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let
your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” He had also told His
followers that “in this world you will have many troubles. But take
heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
When we make meeting with Jesus daily a priority He will leave us with His peace as we go throughout the day. Even better if we keep connected with Jesus all day. He brings His peace into our lives, because He is peace.
Jesus, rule and reign in my life. You are my King. May your peace, may YOU abide in me as I abide in you.
Repeating after God
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" - John 10:27 NASB
Walking in the gifts of the spirit is as simple as repeating what we
hear from God. We can over complicated them, but when we get down to
it, it's simply repeating after God. Quieting ourselves, listening,
repeating. It's not magic, it's listening.
All Christians should be hearing from God. We should all be
baptized in the Holy Spirit and seeking to quiet ourselves long enough
to hear form God daily. When we are all walking in our spiritual gifts,
we are able to encourage each other. No one is left discouraged or
alone. :-)
When you know your gifts, you realize why you act and feel the way
you do. I understand why I write the way I write, I understand why
certian things stir me up, I understand why I see things the way I do.
When you know what God's put in you your life makes more sense in the
most intimate ways.
(I posted this in January of this year and felt the desire to share it again)
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
90 more men executed
My heart keeps breaking every time I hear of more Christians being executed by the ISIS. I read another report that 90 more men were executed and the women and children sold, not to mention the numerous reports of children being brutally executed as well. My heart hurts. This is our family in Christ.
I've been praying for God to raise up prophets, apostles, evangelists and courageous leaders within these Christian communities. That angels would intervene and fight along side them - showing them there are more for them than against them. That God would give them super natural wisdom, strategic plans and resources to overcome their enemy. And for a way of escape to be opened from neighboring territories.
It's so important that we pray. There is nothing else we can do. Prayer is powerful and effective. Prayer moves God. These are husbands, brothers, sons, lovers that are being carelessly executed. I can't imagine the horror these people are facing, and then the survivors being sold and raped. Lord help us.
Don't be overcome by the petty things and forget their are people who are losing everything right now and facing great evil simply for being a Christian. We need to pray like we've never prayed before.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Almighty - Chris Tomlin
Chris Tomlin will always be one of my favorite worship leaders. These lyrics are powerful! I can't even lift my hands and sing it without tears and the weight of His presence. Sing! Proclaim these words!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Dream: Sister Wives
Have you seen TLC's show Sister Wives? Well I've watched it several times through, thanks to Netflix. As I watched I began to wonder, "What's the big deal?". The Brown family seems like a healthy happy family. They love Jesus, they try to live a holy life. They aren't what most consider a polygamous family. They're probably living a more Godly life than most Christians nowadays.
As I began to think about their life and the word of God, I started praying. Lord what is so wrong with their life? They aren't perverts or child abusers as some may think. They are trying to honor you and live a selfless life. As usual I spent days praying and rolling it around in my mind, heart and spirit. I mean, some in the Old Testament had several wives. Even though I don't think it's God's best plan, is it really that bad?
Then one night I had a dream. In the dream the sister wives were devouring each other. It was gross and almost like a nightmare but without the fear and darkness. While dreaming the interpretation of the dream was shared with me. The Bible says we are to eat the words that come out of God's mouth (Matt 4:4). He is the bread and the wine (Matt 26:26). We are to eat His word (Jer 15:16). The Sister wives are eating man. They are eating their own thoughts and ideas. Spiritual speaking they are cannibals.
Though they try and live a moral life, they are basing their life on the wisdom of man and not the word of God. It's not about what seems right in our own eyes, or our own striving for morality - we are to spiritual eat what God has provided for us and not the ideas of man.
I was not going to share this experience, but I had another dream that encouraged me to share it. I think some may allow their hearts to compromise because the Browns are such a loving family. It's easy to allow deception when it comes so sweet and peacefully. But, hopefully people's random google search for "Sister Wives" will lead a few to my blog to see the truth from a scriptural perspective. Dreams have an amazing way of painting a picture. Just like children's books. :-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Sons and Daughters
"Though our gifts are a beautiful part of who we are,
they do not make up our identity. We are sons and daughters first, loved
before we ever set our hands to anything, believed in before we even
attempt prove ourselves worthy. When we come to that place of confidence
and security, knowing that the Father loves us and is proud of us
regardless of our abilities or success, we can create and explore
without the pressure to strive or produce. We are set free as artists
when we step into our identity as beloved children. "
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Receiving is bless by God
I believe God hides unique blessings in people that don't fit our first impression standards. First impressions are the first security check points - when we give people the benefit of the doubt, look at their hearts and not our assumptions, we pass and are allowed to move forward. When we look past our initial judgments of a person, we are allowed to move in and take part in what God has invested in them.
The Bible talks about receiving a reward for accepting different types of people.When we receive a person we are rewarded as if we also walk in their gift. Matthew 10:40-41 ESV, "“Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. The one who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a
prophet's reward, and the one who receives a righteous person because he
is a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward."
intimately linked in this harvest work. Anyone who accepts what you do,
accepts me, the One who sent you. Anyone who accepts what I do accepts
my Father, who sent me. Accepting a messenger of God is as good as being
God’s messenger. Accepting someone’s help is as good as giving someone
It's not only giving, but receiving that God blesses. I think this is why He sometimes places people where they don't seem to fit - as a test to those He's brought them in front of. It's an
opportunity to receive a blessing for receiving what He's sent.
This really encourages me to not only be a giver to people, but a receiver of people. :-) It's easier to give than to receive. When we give we have control, we can throw our giving as a person would to the dogs and keep people at an arm's length. But when we receive we pull inward, we draw near. That can be scary, but it's blessed.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Nursing School Testimony
I'm starting to share my testimonies because a testimony says, "If God can do it for me, He can do it for you"
because He is not a respecter of persons - He doesn't play favorites.
It's Testimony Tuesday! I'm not committing to post every Tuesday, but when I do post a supernatural testimony I'll tag it under "testimony Tuesday" so they are easily found.
It's Testimony Tuesday! I'm not committing to post every Tuesday, but when I do post a supernatural testimony I'll tag it under "testimony Tuesday" so they are easily found.
Today I want to share how my mom was healed of the anxiety and stress that almost caused her to drop out of the nursing program. After being laid off my mom decided to make a career change and enrolled in nursing. She was doing really well and was nearing graduation when she began having panic attacks and extreme stress. They got so bad she almost dropped out even though she'd invested so much already.
She cried out to the Lord in desperation day after day. One day laying on her bed, crying out to God she ends up passing out. While passed out she hears someone call her name two times. She looks up and see a picture of an orange CD with a sun floating in front of her. She immediately wakes up and tells me this has to be an answer to her prayers. I was happy for her but wondering how we'd find an orange CD at the stores with nothing else to go on. I prayed and knew some how God would show us.
That night while asleep I had a dream. In the dream I hear the most beautiful worship music. The music consisted of one word, "Jesus". All the lyrics, bridge, chorus etc was one word, "Jesus" it was the most glorious sound I had ever heard. I know in the dream it's a CD my dad had given me years ago but never opened. As soon as I wake up I go to my closet and dig for the CD, not even thinking of my mom's vision the day before. After I find it, I run to the living room to play it, hoping the glorious music is on the CD. As I'm doing this my mom walks out and I hold up the CD and say enthusiastically, "I had this amazing dream about this CD I didn't even know I had" she just stares at the CD I'm holding up and I see the color go from her face and she tells me that's the CD she saw in her vision. I turn and look at the CD and realizing that, yes, it's orange with a sun. Awesome! She said it felt like cold water fell over her head.
I was disappointed to find out there was no music on the CD. It was a lady quoting scripture for anxiety and stress. But I was extremely thankful my mom found her "medication" for her issue. The CD truly blessed her. Scripture is powerful! She successfully completed her nursing program and has blessed many as a nurse over the years.
This testimony reminds me that God always provides a way out when we cry out to Him, and if He doesn't it's because we are where we are suppose to be for His purposes. If I could attribute supernatural experiences and answers to prayers to anything I'd say it's sincere desperation. When our back is against a wall and we know all our hope and help comes from the Lord. He is so faithful.
This testimony reminds me that God always provides a way out when we cry out to Him, and if He doesn't it's because we are where we are suppose to be for His purposes. If I could attribute supernatural experiences and answers to prayers to anything I'd say it's sincere desperation. When our back is against a wall and we know all our hope and help comes from the Lord. He is so faithful.
CD cover reads, "The healing word of God - Audio Scriptures to soothe the soul: Comfort, Peace & Hope when you're dealing with feelings of panic, anxiety and depression."
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
We all think we know
I've been a Christian long enough to know that everyone thinks they know the right interpretation of scripture - with facts to back them up. Everyone else is either deceived or out right evil. But I've had a relationship with God long enough to know that everyone has a little truth and a little deception and God surprises us all. None of us have God figured out.
It's arrogant to think we know scripture perfectly. And to boldly say someone is "not of God" or "evil" is self-righteous, as if we know all, with no room for error. I've heard self-assured leaders speak against this person or that book over and over just to change their opinions years later. What happens to the trail of division they've left behind?
It's arrogant to think we know scripture perfectly. And to boldly say someone is "not of God" or "evil" is self-righteous, as if we know all, with no room for error. I've heard self-assured leaders speak against this person or that book over and over just to change their opinions years later. What happens to the trail of division they've left behind?
Recently I've been hearing preachers come out against the "Heaven is for real" book and movie. I don't know if the book is a true account or false. But I do know it's not causing harm to the Church. It's actually encouraged many weary people, got people to start reading their bible, lit a fire in some and brought countless unsaved to the Lord. So why are we wasting time arguing over it? We should stick to things that are hurting the church like, Fifty Shades of Gray.
I find it annoying when leaders want to argue about everything. I've heard many views from educated people and they all have degrees to back up their different interpretations, and yet God keeps surprising us all. It seems some want to discredit anything supernatural and rob people of faith. I refuse to live that way. God has supernaturally intervened in my and my family's lives countless times. I can't put Him in a box designed by a group of overly educated people. Some people get so deep they drown and bring confusion.
Maybe the whole "Heaven is for real" story is made up, maybe it's not. Whether good or bad, God is using it for good. The people that argue of such things argue over everything. They are so "by the book" they miss the entire point of The Book. Everything does not need to be dissected and labeled, "true or false", especially if it's leading people to the Lord. I'd be ringing a different bell if the book was causing people to fall away, turn to other gods, sin against one another and such, but this is not the case.
I will say I have not read the book or watched the movie. I've been in a season of detoxing from all outside voices but my Bible. It's a refreshing season tuning everything else out. But I do catch a few articles here and there from Facebook, that's how I saw a video of a pastor telling people how non Biblical all heaven encounter books are. It's so ridiculous. We should focus on speaking against things that actually hurt the body of Christ. I've never heard a Heaven testimony that didn't beckon people closer to God. As for those that may be lying for money, they will have to answer to God one day.
Monday, May 19, 2014
House Hunting Testimony
My hubby and I have many testimonies that I want to slowly start sharing to edify and encourage whoever may read. I know that during my seasons of brokenness I clung to such testimonies. A testimony says, "If God can do it for me, He can do it for you" because He is not a respecter of persons - He doesn't play favorites. I will start with the testimony I shared this weekend with the young couple visiting us (as mentioned in the post before).
After my hubby and I had been married a year our apartment rent went up. Fear and anxiety filled my heart as I read the slip of paper listing our options for renewal. What were we going to do? None of the options listed were going to work for us. My husband and I began searching for another apartment, but nothing - every door kept closing. We knew God could speak to us and continued to pray and started planning a time to fast. Fasting as always been a powerful spiritual weapon for us.
When my hubby first moved out of his family home he faced the same situation and called out to the Lord, who spoke to him in a dream, speaking the name of the apartment three times. Being a dreamer my hubby knew to obey and went to the apartment offices. They were having a special. It was perfect. He happily lived there for several years. God led him to the right place at the right time! So, we knew He could do it again.
I forget how the idea of looking for a house came to play but we began talking about it. We called several lenders but the phone would get disconnected or they wouldn't answer until finally the third one we called picked up right away. With all we've been through we know not to question God, we figured we weren't meant to talk to the other lenders. Our lender ended up crediting us a couple thousand for closing costs. Yay! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
We got pre-approved by our lender and got a realtor. I was so stressed out a patch of my hair started falling out. I have pictures if you want to see the bald patch that was hiding under my long hair. We continued to pray. We had to find a house before our lease was up.
After talking with our realtor, she lined up some houses for us to see. As hubby and I walked to our car to meet our realtor to look at houses for the first time, I receive a call from an unknown number. While pulling out I play the voice mail and it's a man. The man tells us he's a prophet and for us not to worry because God is going to provide for us. OMGOSH! Are you kidding me? We are in the car about to go see houses for the first time and we get this call?!?! Through the stress and fear we had a super natural peace. God is with us! We are heading in the right direction! Thank you Daddy for looking after us.
Shortly after we started house hunting we found one that seemed to fit our needs, but I was not thrilled about it. Hubby was insistent so I agreed and went with it and we put an offer. We prayed and asked God to open or close doors according to His will. I didn't want the house but knew we needed it. I asked God to give us clarity. I told God my emotions are to rapped up in the situation and I couldn't trust myself to hear Him. Hubby agreed and we prayed that God would reveal the truth to someone who was out of the loop. Someone who had no idea what was going on with us. He did.
While waiting to see if our offer was accepted hubby gets a phone call from a friend who didn't know what we were up too. His friend said he had a dream and I didn't like the house we were dealing with. I see hubby's face get sad as he's on the phone listening to the dream and my heart sinks when I hear. I know it's true. I tried to deny my negative feelings about the house because we were in desperate need of a house. We agree to let it go in our hearts since our prayers were answered. Our friend found it fascinating because he never dreams. God used someone who least expected it. A few minutes later we get a call from our realtor and our offer wasn't accepted. Turns out the lady doesn't even want to sell her house anymore. We continue to pray and encourage one another with the divine phone call we received when we first started the house hunting journey.
Shortly after we find another house we want to put an offer on, but first we wait it out and pray it out for another day. My dad calls us the next morning and says he was tossing and turning all night. He couldn't sleep because he was conflicted and didn't have peace about this decision we were about to make. God has spoken to my Dad in dreams before so we respected what he said and heeded the warning. Especially since we were passionately praying for God's direction. Come to find out the house had major foundation issues. Again, God was leading us when our emotions hindered us from hearing.
The searching continued and the end of our lease continued to get closer. To add to the stress, the apartment sent us a letter saying they were
painting our stair railing the day we were moving out from the third
floor. Can you imagine trying to move furniture down with wet paint? I was freaking out, BUT God - they changed the date!
There was one house we looked at early on that hubby said he couldn't get out of his mind, but because of the natural wood floors and other things we passed it up. We decided to look at it again with fresh eyes and a fresh heart. Hubby said that was the house, something in him just knew, but we move forward slowly. We even decided to walk away from it. Hubby said he felt a ripping in his spirit when we walked away and was grieved all night and prayed continuously. When he finally fell asleep he had a dream. In the dream he walks into an office and sees balloons and party decor with a huge banner that says "Case Closed". When he woke up we knew the house was ours. It was a done deal.
The sellers ended up calling us and giving us what we wanted. Come to find out the house was on sale for 20k more the year before and someone was interested but it fell through on the buyers end. The seller wanted to hurry and sell and dropped the price, making it within our budget. As we finished up the deal our lender credited us to help with closing.
As for the natural untouched wood floors, hubby's coworker volunteered to refinish them for us as a gift. We ended up getting the keys to our house the day we were to be out of the apartment. We had the uhaul packed and ready. And the new season began.
James 3:17-18 AMP
But the
wisdom from above is first of all pure (undefiled); then it is
peace-loving, courteous (considerate, gentle). [It is willing to] yield
to reason, full of compassion and good fruits; it is wholehearted and straightforward, impartial and unfeigned (free from doubts, wavering, and insincerity). And
the harvest of righteousness (of conformity to God’s will in thought
and deed) is [the fruit of the seed] sown in peace by those who work for
and make peace [in themselves and in others, that peace which
means concord, agreement, and harmony between individuals, with
undisturbedness, in a peaceful mind free from fears and agitating
passions and moral conflicts].
Opening Up
I'm somewhat a closed book. It takes me a long time to open up and share what's in my heart. I didn't realize how closed off I come across until recently. In order to open up, like most people, I have to feel safe - that my stories, experiences and perspective wont be judged, condemned or laughed at. Sadly, it's been really hard for me to find that safe place - a sense of community.
One area I've been learning to open up with is hubby's and my supernatural experiences. Again, I didn't realize how close off I was with sharing. I guess I learned it's safer to stay quiet. One of the reasons is the drastic differences in opinions within the church. Another reasons, when you've been around church people long enough you realize it's not safe to be who God created you to be. There is so much push and fight for power and position that if you share true testimonies of God moving in your life the jealous ones will cut you off, sabotage you, and make sure you are isolated. It's sad, but trust me. They look at your like "God did that for you? Who are you? It should be me!" You learn it's best to keep your head low, especially if you don't want attention, like ME. I admit I've had seasons where I cared to much about the opinions of others, but I'm leaving that behind me as I enter my 30s.
Well last night a younger couple in their early 20s came over to visit with my husband and I. They mentioned how they'd want to get married after college, get a job, buy a house and this or that, but had no idea how it would happen, which led to my hubby and I sharing our testimony about God moving in our behalf. We've been in that place.
America's glorification of independence rubs off of church people to a fault, but God does not want us independent. He wants people dependent on Him. The challenges in my hubby's life have made him dependent on God and me suffering with an anxiety disorder and hormone issues most of my life have left me dependent on God. Things that seem easy for others are not easy for me, BUT God. Maybe it's this sincere dependance that opens us up for supernatural intervention? The Bible tells us that if we acknowledged God in all our ways that He will direct our steps. When we are dependent on God, we acknowledge Him in all our ways, and He responds by directing our steps. He wants control. It's in our best interest to give it to Him. He only wants good for us. :-)
As we began sharing with the young couple their faces lit up and mouths drop in shock. The young man said in amazement that he didn't know we were "prophetic" type of Christians. Which in return shocked me a little, because dreams and supernatural experiences is what drew my hubby and I together, we had this unspeakable bond. I didn't realize how private I made this part of my life, and how many people perceive us differently. I guess I'm not intimate (into-me-see) with many people. It's something I really want to work on - being intimate with more people, but only if I find safe places.
For many years I believed the lie that sharing our testimonies was frowned upon because people think you are showing off, or whatever it may be. When you start sharing about God's power and His ability to interrupt our reality the demons start throwing mean and hateful words your way. But after seeing how encouraged this young couple was I wanted to try and start sharing more since this is normal life for us. I can't let a few spiritual bullies stop us from sharing what God does for us. Our (you and me) testimonies encourage the ones with hearts after God. Evil people in the church hate the testimonies of the saints, but the true church, the children of God, rejoice over them.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Dreaming Rose Creations
Besides writing books, I've picked up candle making. I've actually been at it for over a year and find it very therapeutic. I love the creative process. I even opened an online shop, though most of my sales are in person. Who knew I'd sell out so fast! New scents coming out mid May!!
Feel free to check out my shop: Dreaming Rose Creations
God is always your friend
God is always your friend.
People are finicky - for you one day, against you the next,
BUT GOD is always your friend - no matter what!
He meets you where you are every time you call.
He's never far away
He never makes you pay for your mistakes.
He never makes you pay for your mistakes.
Even if bad decisions lead you down a rough road,
He faithfully walks with you.
He faithfully walks with you.
God is always your friend.
He will never abandon you, even if you think you deserve it.
Nothing can separate you from His love.
God is ALWAYS your friend.
Many of us take pride in our ability to discern truth from deception, but if we examine ourselves a little closer, we'll see, most of us are only discerning our own skepticism of a person or situation -it has little to do with actual truth. We shouldn't trust judgments that come quickly without overview or doubts. Most likely those judgments are based on our opinion and carry little spiritual backing.
In my first book, Notes For The Goats, I write about Prejudices vs Discernment. Very little of the church walks in true discernment. Discernment is humble. Our opinions and prejudices carry a self-assurance and are quickly stated and lifted high. When we walk in true discernment we are looking for the best in people, and even if God reveals a red flag we keep praying and hoping that maybe we heard Him wrong. Discernment brings brokenness. Our opinions and prejudices bring pride, arrogance, self-righteousness filled with boastful talk.
When true discernment is exercised in the church it has the ability to change the spiritual atmosphere, not fuel gossip circles. True discernment is a spiritual gift that helps protect the church, the weak, the leaders, and any plans God has set in motion that the enemy may try to derail. It's a a wonderful gift given to us. But we must learn the difference between our own inner voice and the true authentic leading of the Holy Spirit.
One of the easiest ways to tune your spiritual ears into God's divine voice, is to admit when you've missed it. There have been countless times when I've missed it. My own ideas and opinions trumped His still small voice. I was self-assured. But my sincere desire to hear God left my heart open to hear His correction when He proved me wrong. In that moment, you repent, and ask God to help you hear Him better. Unfortunately, many continually justify what they hear and end up training their spiritual ears to hear themselves.
When true discernment is exercised in the church it has the ability to change the spiritual atmosphere, not fuel gossip circles. True discernment is a spiritual gift that helps protect the church, the weak, the leaders, and any plans God has set in motion that the enemy may try to derail. It's a a wonderful gift given to us. But we must learn the difference between our own inner voice and the true authentic leading of the Holy Spirit.
One of the easiest ways to tune your spiritual ears into God's divine voice, is to admit when you've missed it. There have been countless times when I've missed it. My own ideas and opinions trumped His still small voice. I was self-assured. But my sincere desire to hear God left my heart open to hear His correction when He proved me wrong. In that moment, you repent, and ask God to help you hear Him better. Unfortunately, many continually justify what they hear and end up training their spiritual ears to hear themselves.
Dying to Live
Life's challenges have a way of breaking us down, especially if they last. It's easy to feel discouraged, even broken. I've learned if we embrace the process of dying, that those things will arise in new life. God promises us that, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11 NIV But we have to be willing to leave our plans behind. Many of us don't know what we pray when we pray "Lord have your way in me.", "Lead me Lord" etc. We are asking to die. The pain we feel is all part of the process of dying, so we may live the life He's chosen. Our flesh does not lay down easily. It's painful.
Next time you are in a season of pain, ask yourself, "Am I dying?" you may be having to lay a part of yourself down. Knowing the source of the pain always gives us a little more endurance on the journey. Brokenness is the key to do great things in God.
Of course being prideful and self-assured can get you places in this life, but that's not what you prayed. You prayed, "Lord have your way", "You lead me, Father", "I'm following you" and Jesus leads us to the cross daily. In death, we live. Don't look around and compare your life with those who are not dying, even Christians, not all Christians go through the spiritual journey of death. That's why all Christians don't raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons etc. There is a process of dying to live in the spirit. It's not a process we have control over. It's a process we surrender to. A process prepared for us before we took our first breathe. A process that requires us to trust our friend and King, Jesus.
Next time you are in a season of pain, ask yourself, "Am I dying?" you may be having to lay a part of yourself down. Knowing the source of the pain always gives us a little more endurance on the journey. Brokenness is the key to do great things in God.
Of course being prideful and self-assured can get you places in this life, but that's not what you prayed. You prayed, "Lord have your way", "You lead me, Father", "I'm following you" and Jesus leads us to the cross daily. In death, we live. Don't look around and compare your life with those who are not dying, even Christians, not all Christians go through the spiritual journey of death. That's why all Christians don't raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons etc. There is a process of dying to live in the spirit. It's not a process we have control over. It's a process we surrender to. A process prepared for us before we took our first breathe. A process that requires us to trust our friend and King, Jesus.
Life choices
I've experienced quiet a few things in my journey with Jesus. One thing I've learned is never to make a choice based on what someone else says. Often, even Christians, speak from their own head. They think they are hearing God but they aren't. If you make a huge life decision based on someone else you may end up regretting it. Even if the person has a lofty title, and is considered a leader in your circle, don't simply follow. Trust me, I've learned this the hard way. It's not rebellion to check in with God first. Man is not God and man misses God all the time. I've had my heart broken by this.
People may hate someone one minute and taint your view of them, then years later they worship the same person they've discredited and want to be like them. People's opinions are always changing. Not all "leaders" are worthy of your blind obedience, only Jesus Much of what gets promoted in churches and Christian circles is based on personality, not heart or character. If you jump overboard because of someone's egotistical opinion you may end up regretting it. You have to seek God about your life. Obey Him above all. If a leader bullies you or calls you rebellious because you have to seek God above their finicky words then it's not a leader you need to follow.
I've been the person open to hear everyone out. The one trying to hear God's wisdom through others and I trusted them to the point their words tainted my view of others. I've even uprooted myself from where God placed me based on someone else's fiery conviction, only to see years later the same person come around and love the very person they pushed me away from. I'm speaking from experience.
Only God knows what He wills for your life. You always need to double check with Him and stand firm, no matter what titled person speaks the opposite. There is so much talk of honor and respect and not being rebellious in the church that people's lives get off track and turned around in a bad way because those speaking into their lives are not worthy of the position. I know that sounds harsh but I'm passionate about this. Don't lose your ability to hear from God because some loud mouthed person is a pro at selling their junk.
You can't make life choices based on other people's current opinions masked as "prophetic words" because you will be the one left to face the consequences, not them.
Only God knows what He wills for your life. You always need to double check with Him and stand firm, no matter what titled person speaks the opposite. There is so much talk of honor and respect and not being rebellious in the church that people's lives get off track and turned around in a bad way because those speaking into their lives are not worthy of the position. I know that sounds harsh but I'm passionate about this. Don't lose your ability to hear from God because some loud mouthed person is a pro at selling their junk.
You can't make life choices based on other people's current opinions masked as "prophetic words" because you will be the one left to face the consequences, not them.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
A place to pray
Creating a place to pray is an intimate process for my husband and I. Throughout our younger years we each dedicated our closet as our "prayer closets". Mine was slightly smaller, like a cubicle, but with plenty of room to stand while being surrounded by clothes on either side, and a dry erase board on the one empty wall. I hung the board so I could easily write anything that flowed from my prayer time. Sometimes I received song lyrics, other times a word to pray about. My husband had a larger closet and he set up a stereo, filled the walls with verses and pictures and spent hours there worshiping and ministering unto God.
As life got busy and changes occurred it became hard to continue such a devoted practice. Getting married, moving into an apartment, then moving into a house. The last few years have made it difficult to maintain such an intimate time of worship with God. But that doesn't mean we should give up trying to establish it again. I remember on several occasions when a random person approached my husband and told him God missed there time together. Wow, right. God misses us when we don't meet with Him. He enjoys the time we dedicate to Him. His feelings get hurt when we stand Him up, avoid Him or forget. We can pray anywhere and should, but something special happens when we set aside time in a place we've dedicated just for Him.
Things to consider when creating a place to pray: is it private, do you feel safe, is it practical, is it easy to access - even several times a day? If it's not easily accessible it will be hard to create the spiritual disciple needed. Also, remember at first it may seem robotic as you develop this new time with God. The way I've pictured it in my spirit for many years is like being underground covered in dirt. The more you pray in the spot you've set apart the more dirt gets removed until eventually you see the open sky, full of light. At this point your prayer spot is saturated with the tangible presence of God. It's as if He's already there waiting. He is! I would also like to mention that your car could be your "prayer
closet". I spent years worshiping and praying in my car while driving
around town. If you feel you have a spiritual ceiling or "brass" heaven over you during prayer, fasting is another way to break it open.
Even though the presence of God dwells within us, there is an outward tangible residue that lingers. We see this at conferences held in secular arenas. The next day when the sports team comes out, or a fan touches a seat, there are reports of people getting healed and falling over and experiencing a tangible outward touch from God - His presence left a residue. He didn't pick up and leave when the conference was over, it lingered. The same thing happens when we meet with God consistently in the same place. We've set an appointment with a real being and He waits for us, and His presence leaves a tangible residue in that place and on us. We've created an open heaven. When hubby and I were committed to praying in our prayer closets we'd get comments about looking "shiny" and full of light. Our faces were bright and lit up after being with God. As carriers of His presence we are always full of light, but again, something special happens when we have a set place to meet with Him. Time in prayer opens heaven.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Lead me to the rock
This morning I woke up feeling extremely discouraged and defeated. I tossed and turned in bed hoping a little extra sleep would cure me, but I couldn't get myself to drift off to dream land. So I began praying faintly under my breathe when this verse came forth, "From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." -Psalm 61:2 NKJ
I've been stuck (spiritually) here all morning. It's definitely a good place to be stuck. There is such peace knowing something is, "higher than I". There is even more peace knowing it's someone, not just something. Someone is higher than me. Someone has a higher perspective. Someone has more authority. Someone is sturdy, steady, solid - a rock.
This is a rock we can stand on.When we are desperate, when the world is overwhelming we can cling to The Rock.
I've been stuck (spiritually) here all morning. It's definitely a good place to be stuck. There is such peace knowing something is, "higher than I". There is even more peace knowing it's someone, not just something. Someone is higher than me. Someone has a higher perspective. Someone has more authority. Someone is sturdy, steady, solid - a rock.
This is a rock we can stand on.When we are desperate, when the world is overwhelming we can cling to The Rock.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
His ways, His roads, His plans
The idea of creating our own future, paving our own way is
gaining momentum in the Christian paradigm. I’ve seen several leaders within the church
say things leaning in this direction and some out right saying, “If you can’t
find a way out, create one.” This idea, though widely accepted, is not Biblical.
God shows us in his word, over and over again that He will
direct our steps if we seek Him, He opens and closes doors, He has
plans for us and a clear direction for our lives. Does this mean we
can’t create our own way? Nope. We can, but it will not be a divine way. If
we want to walk on His path for us then we must seek the Creator, the one who
put our lives in motion, the one who created us with purpose. He has already
created roads for us, there is no need to create anything, only release what’s
already been put in us, given from above and follow where He leads.
We are given free will. We can create whatever roads we want, but it wont lead us on His best path for our lives. "If you can't find a way out, create one" is misleading to many. It would be better stated, If you can't find a way out.... pray God reveals a way out...acknowledge God and He will direct your steps....trust Him in the waiting....etc.
For example, if there is a mountain in your way, don't create your own road around it. What if God wants to use you to dig a road through the mountain, creating a highway, allowing others to travel smoothly for years to come. We wouldn't know that unless we sought Him first, before "creating our own way". What if He already has a road around or over the mountain, and we waste precious resources "creating our own way".
This generation has become increasingly independent in it's spiritual view. We praise creativity and cleverness without looking to see if that creativity is truly in opposition with His will. I'm all about creativity, but we have to be careful we are not leaning on our ways, our will, our thinking. When we create, we should be creating what He's put in us, in other words, we are releasing what He's revealed in the spirit into the natural.
When there is a closed door, a dead end, a mountain, a wall and we can't find a way out or don't know which way to turn. Seek, God. He knows the way out. He's got it all figured out. Don't lean on your own wisdom, creativity, and cleverness. Seek His ways, His roads, His plans. When we seek Him he will reveal the best for our lives.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Romans 12:2 The Message
Place Your Life Before God
here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday,
ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around
life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for
you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted
to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead,
fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.
Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it.
Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of
immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed
maturity in you.
Above All
all powers
all kings
all nature
all created things
all wisdom
all the ways of man
were here
the world began
all kingdoms
all thrones
all wonders
world has ever known
all wealth
treasures of the earth
no way to measure
You're worth
Laid behind a stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all”
Laid behind a stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all”
-Michael W. Smith
I recently watched the Grammy's and there were some shady performances to say the least. One of the stand out performances was Katy Perry's Dark Horse. She was dressed as a witch and danced on a broom and participated in a few other "demonic" things. It was so outwardly "occultic" that it was impossible for anyone with the slightest sense of spirituality to miss it. But, that's what I'd like to warn about in this article. It was too obvious! I saw many people posting statuses stating how "evil" it was.
Yet, I honestly think she's looking for a reaction. It looked very shallow and showy. Do you know what's really demonic? It's the performances, singers and artists that don't always seem it. What about the song "Follow Your Arrow"? What about Beyonce's dance? The enemy doesn't come looking dark and creepy. He comes as an angel of light. When things are overly obvious it makes me question how much of it is spiritually evil versus someone looking for shock value and gossip from conservatives.
The truly dark things are often wrapped in pretty acceptable packages. If it was wrapped with a poison sticker, no one would drink it. We have to keep our eyes out for things that don't cause a knee jerk reaction, the things we allow to come in and influence our lives because they've manipulated our natural senses into thinking they are angels of light.
Fill up on good things
Dieting is no fun! Ask any woman! Many of us spend a good amount of our life yo-yo dieting. It's a miserable way to live. As we mature in our health journey we begin to see it's not so much "dieting", but a "lifestyle change" that yields good fruit and success in our lives.
As I sit here, before the sun comes up, eating a banana, the Holy Spirit said, "Fill up on good things and you wont crave bad things". My heart said, "Yes, Holy Spirit, you are so right. If I keep eating healthy I will not crave anything unhealthy. Thank you Lord." and I continue enjoying my banana and Ginger/Lemon tea. Then the Holy Spirit nudged me again saying the same goes with spiritual food. "Ah, yes, Holy Spirit.". I love how God uses our current situation to speak spiritual wisdom. He paints such clear pictures for us.
When we fill up on good things, we wont crave bad things. The more we partake in healthy spiritual food the more we will crave healthy spiritual food. What we eat changes our tastes buds. We hunger for what we eat most. If we partake in lust, feed pride, and give into greed, we will hunger for such things continuously. But if we fill up on God's word, protect our ears by filling them with His praises and guard our hearts by filling it with His promises we will hunger for more of Him. What we choose to fill up on daily will determine what we crave daily. A lifestyle of holiness begets holiness, as a lifestyle of sin begets sin.
Fill up on good things.
God's Good Weather Forcast
We all know how inaccurate a weather forecast can be. This morning was another example for my friends and family. The local weather channels had many of us in the South stressed about ice and freezing temperatures. Grocery stores were emptied as if it were hurricane season and lines were held up for 30mins or more. Many schools closed, the mayor closed the city, and many jobs allowed their employees to stay home.
We woke up excepting to be snowed in, but instead, realized the weather forecast given by man was completely wrong. All the signs showed true, they predicted to their best ability, and yet, they were wrong. Even though this is frustrating for planning, the clear and resounding message, "Man is not God" is extremely encourage. How amazing that the signs may all show disaster and storms, yet the signs are not the final word, God is. He has the ability to change the winds.
Your situation may look defeated. You may see the clouds, a coming storm. Everyone is broadcasting doom and gloom and preparing you for the worst, yet when you arise to a new day there will be no sign of a storm. It doesn't matter what our situation looks like, God has the final say. It doesn't matter what you see ahead of you, anything can happen, circumstances can change within seconds. God is the only one who knows the future and has authority to cast vision of what is to come in your life.
God has a good weather forecast for you and He calls it out with 100% accuracy.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Repeating after God
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" - John 10:27 NASB
Walking in the gifts of the spirit is as simple as repeating what we hear from God. We can over complicated them, but when we get down to it, it's simply repeating after God. Quieting ourselves, listening, repeating. It's not magic, it's listening.
All Christians should be hearing from God. We should all be baptized in the Holy Spirit and seeking to quiet ourselves long enough to hear form God daily. When we are all walking in our spiritual gifts, we are able to encourage each other. No one is left discouraged or alone. :-)
When you know your gifts, you realize why you act and feel the way you do. I understand why I write the way I write, I understand why certian things stir me up, I understand why I see things the way I do. When you know what God's put in you your life makes more sense in the most intimate ways.
The following, in blue, is an article by Mary Fairchild posted on About.com
Identifying Spiritual Gifts
Although there is a great deal of disagreement over spiritual gifts among different denominations, most Bible scholars classify these gifts into three categories: ministry gifts, manifestation gifts, and motivational gifts.
Ministry Gifts
The ministry gifts serve to reveal the plan of God. They are
characteristic of a full-time office or calling, rather than a gift that
can function in and through any believer. The ministry gifts were once
presented to me through a five finger illustration that I've never
- Apostle - An apostle establishes and builds churches; he's a church planter. An apostle may function in many or all of the ministry gifts. He is the "thumb," the strongest of all of the fingers, able to touch every finger.
- Prophet - Prophet in the Greek means to "forth tell" in the sense of speaking for another. A prophet functions as God's mouth piece, speaking forth God's Word. The prophet is the "index finger," or pointer finger. He points to the future and points out sin.
- Evangelist - An evangelist is called to be a witness for Jesus Christ. He works for the local church to bring people into the body of Christ where they can be discipled. He may evangelize through music, drama, preaching, and other creative ways. He is the "middle finger," the tallest one who stands out in the crowd. Evangelists draw a lot of attention, but they are called to serve the local body.
- Pastor - The pastor is the shepherd of the people. A true shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The pastor is the "ring finger." He is married to the church; called to stay, oversee, nurture and guide.
- Teacher - The teacher and the pastor are often a shared office, but not always. The teacher lays the foundation and is concerned with detail and accuracy. He delights in research to validate truth. The teacher is the "pinky finger." Though seemingly small and insignificant, he is designed specifically for digging into tight, dark places, shinning light and picking apart the Word of truth.
Manifestation Gifts
The manifestation gifts serve to reveal the power of God. These gifts
are supernatural or spiritual in nature. They can be further subdivided
into three groups: utterance, power, and revelation.
- Utterance - These gifts say something:
- Prophecy - This is the "forth telling" of the inspired Word of God primarily to the church, for the purpose of confirming the written Word and building up the entire body. The message is usually one of edification, exhortation or consolation, although it can declare God's will in a particular circumstance, and in rare cases, predict future events.
- Speaking in Tongues - This is a supernatural utterance in an unlearned language which is interpreted so that the entire body will be edified. Tongues may also be a sign to unbelievers.
- Interpretation of Tongues - This is a supernatural interpretation of a message in tongues, translated into the known language so that the hearers (the entire body) will be edified.
- Faith - This is not the faith that is measured to every believer, nor is it "saving faith." This is special, supernatural faith given by the Spirit to receive miracles or to believe God for miracles.
- Healing - This is supernatural healing, beyond natural means, given by the Spirit.
- Miracles - This is the supernatural suspension of the natural laws, or an intervention by the Holy Spirit into the laws of nature.
- Word of Wisdom - This is supernatural knowledge applied in a godly or correct way. One commentary describes it as "insight into doctrinal truth."
- Word of Knowledge - This is supernatural knowledge of facts and information that can only be revealed by God for the purpose of applying doctrinal truth.
- Discerning of Spirits - This is the supernatural ability to distinguish between spirits such as good and evil, truthful or deceiving, prophetic versus satanic.
Motivational Gifts
The motivational gifts serve to reveal the personality of God. These
gifts are practical in nature. They describe the inner motivations of
the Christian servant.
- Prophecy - Those with the motivational gift of prophecy are the "seers" or "eyes" of the body. They have insight, foresight, and act like watch dogs in the church. They warn of sin or reveal sin. They are usually very verbal and may come across as judgmental and impersonal; they are loyal to truth over friendship, serious, dedicated.
- Ministering/Serving/Helps - Those with the motivational gift of serving are the "hands" of the body. They are concerned with meeting needs; they are highly motivated, doers. They may tend to over commit, but find joy in serving and meeting short-term goals.
- Teaching - Those with the motivational gift of teaching are the "mind" of the body. They realize their gift is foundational; they emphasize accuracy of words and love to study; they delight in research to validate truth.
- Giving - Those with the motivational gift of giving are the "arms" of the body. They truly enjoy reaching out in giving. They are excited by the prospect of blessing others; they desire to give quietly, in secret, but will also motivate others to give. They are alert to people's needs; they give cheerfully and always give the best that they can.
- Exhortation/Encouragement - Those with the motivational gift of encouragement are the "mouth" of the body. Like cheerleaders, they encourage other believers and are motivated by a desire to see people grow and mature in the Lord. They are practical and positive and they seek positive responses.
- Administration/Leadership - Those with the motivational gift of leadership are the "head" of the body. They have the ability to see the overall picture and set long-term goals; they are good organizers and find efficient ways of getting work done. Although they may not seek leadership, they will assume it when no leader is available. They receive fulfillment when others come together to complete a task.
- Mercy - Those with the motivational gift of mercy are the "heart" of the body. They easily sense the joy or distress in other people and are sensitive to feelings and needs. They are attracted to and patient with people in need, motivated by a desire to see people healed of hurts. They are truly meek in nature and avoid firmness.
True colors
I often have to encourage myself that even if sharing who I am is weird, it's me. And the faster people see who I really am in Christ, the faster I can sort through those who like or dislike me. When we hold back who we are it's the same as putting on a fake image. I never looked at it that way. I just thought since I had been hurt I'm more careful and reserved. But whether we are putting on a fake face, or simple not revealing our true face it's the same. The heart is different but the lack of authenticity is the same. Anytime we lack authenticity we attract the wrong types of people. Then we wonder why we don't fit in. We don't fit in because our lack of self exposure hasn't allowed those who would have enjoy our company to know we even exist. Think of mixing colors. This is how I see it.
Say we put up half our face:
Say we put up half our face:
We go through life showing everyone half of who we are because we are insecure and scare of rejection. So no one ever knows we aren't really red. Yet all we are showing is red, so everyone attracted to a red personality is draw to us. We don't understand why because in our hearts we are not red. Red is just the small part we are willing to show, perhaps because it's more acceptable and celebrated.
Eventually we get tired of this. We begin working up the courage to show our whole self. We want to be authentic no matter the cost. So we open ourselves up and share. Instead of simply showing the red side we show our blue side too. The side we feel insecure with:

When we are authentic and show our whole selves. We realize we are not red or blue, but purple. We can not function revealing only half of who God created us to be. When we are whole we are purple. That's who we are.
All those attracted to just red or just blue begin falling away from our lives. It may make us feel lonely for a season, but soon those who love purple see us and start drawing near. They never knew we had so much in common because we only shared in part.
It's important to show our true colors as much as possible. Only then will we feel satisfied and fulfilled in life. When we only reveal small glimpses of who we are it's the same as wearing a mask. Those we are supposed to be connected with don't recognize us, and those who do recognize us see the wrong color.
Many of us hide our true colors because we've been hurt. It's not some scandalous plot to trick people. It's more about self-preservation and healing. And at first hiding away feels good and safe, but trust me, eventually you will be frustrated and annoyed. It wont matter what rejection you face because being true to who God created you to be is more important than rejections sting. Your heart will cry out, "I rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not." The more authentic and vulnerable you are the more chances there are to be hurt, BUT the more chances the right people will find you.
Slowly you will be embraced by a community that loves, embraces and celebrates ALL God created you to be. But first you must show your true colors no matter the cost.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Divine encouragment
I recently got a word/vision for someone. It happens often when someone is facing a situation or is at a cross road or needing encouragement. I thought it was just for me to pray about since I'm not connected with this person at all. But then I came across an article where the person writes about desiring the very things I saw for her. Now I believe if she knew she'd be greatly encouraged. So I'm praying if it's God's will for me to deliver this encouragement that He'd connect us in some way. Otherwise it will remain something I stand in faith with her for, even if she never knows someone else is in agreement with her.
I don't know why people despise prophetic people. Okay. Yes. I. do. They despise prophetic people because of all the whack-a-doodles that pretend to walk in such gifts. All the people with false motives and agendas. Trust me I've met my share. I've met the crazies that don't know their left from their right. I've met the power trip people who lust for prophetic gifts to slap a label on themselves and push others down. I've met a trail mix of people claiming these things. It's easy to toss the whole thing out. I even wanted to do that for a long time. I stopped recording my dreams. I tried to shut God out in this way, but I can't. It's who I am in Him. It just happens. I don't have to work it up or do anything but be me - filled with Him. As long as I'm staying in the word, ministering to Him in worship and keeping myself spiritually healthy it flows on it's own. Sometimes people assume you can switch it on and off and grant words as wishes to a genie but it doesn't work that way. It comes from a place of friendship with God. It's about relationship with Him. The more you nurture that relationship the more clearly you will hear and see spiritually. The same goes for all spiritual gifts. It's all about staying connected with Him and tossing out anything that threatens that connections.
Just as with any gift it has to be trained, sharpened and brought to maturity. This takes years. I started learning as a child and yet I still feel I have so much more room to grow. There is no end. It's like learning a different language. The language and whispers of God. Much of my learning has been through making mistakes. Hearing God but interpreting Him the way I wanted or assumed (with a sincere heart). Guess what!? It doesn't matter how you interpret or twists God's word, it will be what it was intended to be. When we see the obvious difference between what we thought and what actually was, we learn and correct ourselves if we are sincerely seeking God. People who are honestly seeking God look at themselves in a spiritual mirror and examine their hearts often. It's important to cast away our own agendas and anything that could block our reception.
Anyway I'm really excited for this girl I had dream/word/vision for. God's got great things planned for her and it seems she's already tuned into it. She already feels and senses it throughout her whole being. That's awesome.
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