Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gifts are free

Gifts are free but maturity is expensive. - Bill Johnson

     Have truer words been spoken? Maturity is expensive because it costs us something. It costs us our impulses, need to be right, fighting dirty, standing up for ourselves, going first and being the center of attention. Maturity asks us to do what's right when no one is watching. It asks us to take the high road and take a few undeserved hits without throwing a fit. Maturity tells us we may not get credit for everything we put forth, but we are to act mature anyway. Others may get the applause for our work. Someone else may get the position we were up next for. We may feel gypped and overlooked, but we are maturing. It's expensive. 
      The maturity test always seem harder to pass when we are stressed. I know in my personal life I'm going through a lot this season. So many changes! I'm a few weeks away from my 1 year anniversary with my hubs, we were house hunting, now packing, dealing with lenders, trying to line up the end of our lease date and moving date to new house, looking for appliances (since we have none) and more. There is a lot on my mind this month which is making it much easier to fly off the handle bars over little things that never used to trip me up. Have you been there? But through the clutter and blessings of this season I know I'm building character. I'm maturing. I'm pumping iron. I'm growing. 
      Most of us have come across a gifted person without maturity. Their gift is more like a machine gun or axe, instead of an instrument for healing and blessing. They usually inflict pain and more trauma onto people than restoration and direction. Their gift is more of a blessing to themselves than to others. This happens by taking the easy road, the road of least resistance.
        When I'm faced with a situation that stirs me up and I have the opportunity to act out or walk in maturity I sometimes have to remind myself, "Are my gifts baby toys? Or are my gifts powerful tools that have the ability to do great things in and through people because of the Holy Spirit?" Every injustice, every obstacle we face gives us a chance to grow in maturity or to regress. The choice is always ours. Sometimes I must admit, throwing a fit would feel so much better - very self indulgent. But taking the higher road, though self sacrificing, always pays off more in the end. Keeping the end in mind will help keep us from acting hastily with selfish passions.
       I find joy in knowing every time I practice self restraint, bite my tongue and love when I'm being hated on, that I'm growing into the mature person God wants me to be. And just like a seed takes time to grow, eventually I will see the fruit of the good choices I've made, and so will you. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dog Ranch for People too :-)

      Throughout my life there has only been a few things I've been passion about like,  Jesus, animals, art, writing, healing homosexuality,helping homeless people, dreams, and few others here and there. Thankfully God has allowed me to walk in one of my passions as an author. I've published 2, soon to be 3 books (and many more in the works). I'm grateful that the Holy Spirit deposits books in me.       
        Besides being an author/writer I'd like to open a "Dog Ranch" tag line "His eye is on the sparrow, so I know He watches me". This ranch would combine several things I love - helping hurting people, the country and animals (dogs). We'd provide housing for hurting people (homeless people maybe, or drug addicts, sex addicts etc) and rehabilitate them. These people would work on the ranch taking care of the homeless dogs that we rescue from shelters (before they are euthanized). Animals have a way of healing people and bringing joy in ways other things can't, that's why they are taken to hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Allowing the hurting people to care for the dogs would allow both human and dog to heal deep within their hearts.
       The ranch would provide Christian counseling, church services and activities, discipleship programs and more for those staying there. The possibilities are endless. We could even grow pumpkins and Christmas trees to raise money each season (another activity they can learn and take part in). We will also have adoption events to adopt out the dogs they have helped train and nurture back to health. They can study and learn about dogs and lead obedience classes for the new owners as well. This will allow them to walk in leadership roles and have more responsibilities. As they transition out of our ranch and into the real world they can also adopt a dog they've grown close to throughout their healing process. It would be neat if the dog they bonded with could stay in their cabin with them as a buddy (just depends on living environment). Our ranch will help them find jobs and find a stable safe home. We will also have people who will check in on them throughout the years to make sure everything is going smoothly and provide additional counseling. We'd have to hire people that LOVE people and LOVE animals.
     Honestly I have no idea how this vision will come to pass, but I wanted to blog it because it's been in me for so long. I wanted to officially write it down. When I picture the ranch in my head. I see a hunter green barn and white trim, but that's cosmetic and God may have something else in mind. I see lots of open land, I see open areas for  the dogs to run, also cabins where our residence will live, and counseling center and a sanctuary where we can have Christian bands come and speakers to minister to those living there. I also see a farming area where we grow seasonal things to sell.
       Taking care of dogs in a shelter type setting takes lots of work. So we would pay our residence a small amount to teach them how to handle money, with an assigned "mentor" to hold their hand during beginning stages. The money they earn while working (cleaning, walking, training, etc)  will be saved up for when they transition out of our facility (for a used car or emergency funds when living on their own). This way they don't fall back into their old cycle of lack and defeat.
       Lord willing this vision will come to pass. My hubs and I love people and love dogs. God can do anything. I pray He sends us a dream and shows us if, when and how. As for now I'm glad to have this finally posted somewhere. :-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

God is general, Jesus brings clarity!

"Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?" - Exodus 15:11 NIV

      Who is your god? The word "god" can refer to different things, depending on who you speak with, but the name of Jesus brings clarity. I'm always weary when I hear people say, "I believe in God." and then Christians quickly embrace it as if  the person is saying they are a Christian. The word god can be thrown out numerous times, but when the name of Jesus is used, a line is drawn in the sand. 
      For example, I was watching Katy Perry's movie. I heard she was a "christian" and that the movie was really good. But when I watched, all I saw was a girl who rejected the God of her parents and made her own god (Her parents were powerful traveling pentecostal ministers when she was growing up). When she spoke about her relationship with god in the movie she never mentioned Jesus. I've personally never heard her mention faith in Jesus in any of her interviews. This is very telling. Also, her songs are sexual in nature (asking boys to show her their "peacock" and stop acting like a female dog), and she mixes biblical truths with weird lyrics about aliens which she says she believes in. 
       What people choose to sing about is very revealing, we shouldn't take it lightly - they are telling us about themselves. "Oh, but Amber she is a Christian! She believes in God." She may believe in a god, but what god? She's walking in deception and leading many astray with her mixed views of God, sex and aliens. Don't get me wrong, she is talented, but we should continue praying that she finds her way along the path of truth. The God of the Bible can meet her where she is.
       At the moment, she comes across as confused with arrested emotional development, which may be her parent's fault. Instead of helping her cultivate a real relationship with God it seems they tried controlling her as a child. But now she's free to think for herself she is testing out many waters and experimenting with many ways of life. We can't mistaken the spotlight on her as a sign of maturity or  approval to follow her in anyway. Her falling away has caused her whole family to backslide. The same thing happened to Jessica Simpson's father who was a pastor, and has now been arrested for a DUI. When we support singers like this we are supporting the downfall that's actually ruined their families and their spiritual heritage. Anyways, I've strayed from the main point of my post, which is the name of Jesus and the lack of it being mentioned.
        The name of Jesus is powerful and if someone is not using it when describing or announcing their faith it's not on accident. A red flag should go up, and we should realize we are not on the same page when speaking about God. The Bible says no one can say, "Jesus is Lord" without the Holy Spirit. So it's important to listen when people are describing their faith, no matter who they are. God is general, Jesus brings clarity.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We are the church

     When the act of going to church hinders us from being the church we have problem. In this blog I'd like to address something I've been seeing more of in some circles, and less of in others. Some Christians understand they are the church, and they're building bridges, networking and creating an atmosphere of love that touches more people than a single building could.  
        On the other hand there are still some Christians who have it all wrong this area. They view the church they attend as a team, their team, and they have a "cult" attitude about it. If someone does not go to the building they attend, then they wont associate with them, even if they used to associate with them. 
      Where we attend Sunday is a building where,  WE - the church - the people of God meet. We are the church, the church is not the building. This is why the "cult" attitude makes no sense. 
       I've unfortunately had to switch churches several times in my lifetime.  It's not an easy experience, especially when those you've grown to love have a "cult" mindset and not a "church family" mindset. A cult mindset says, "If you don't go to my church then I wont respond to you anymore. I wont help you, I wont be friends with you. Don't call, smile, facebook or email me because I will ignore you". That's what cults do. You're either in or you're out. That's not how WE the church should be.
       A Christian with a true church mindset, who understands we are the church says, "You may go to another building, but we are still family in Christ. You are my brother/sister in the Lord. You may fellowship in another part of town, but we are still connected. We can still fellowship together." These Christians understand that Christ in us makes us the church and not the buildings we attend on Sunday.
    Christians who understand this are doing wonderful things. They are reaping the rewards of bridge building across city, state, country lines. Christians who don't understand this are sadly still adding to the problem by building walls instead of bridges, isolating instead of including, writing off instead of embracing. Those people will be shocked when they get to heaven and see that their "church" does not have a reserved section and they are mixed together with everyone.
         We will not see a red team, blue team, green team, yellow team and white team in Heaven. We are the team! United or divided that is our choice here on earth, but in heaven unity is the only way.We are the church, we are one team, one family, one people of God that just happen to fellowship at different buildings.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Divided Loyalty

 " ... But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do." - James 1:5-8 NLT 

    Is loyalty important to you? Whether you're dealing with a team sport, business group, friendships or even family situations, a lack of loyalty can be viewed as major betrayal. As humans, most of us want some degree of loyalty from those we do life with. Where does this come from?
    I believe God desires loyalty from us as well. He desires an undivided heart from us, fully committed to Him. When we live in compromise we are flirting with the opposite team. Is this loyalty to God? Our heart is divided. How must God feel when we carelessly live this way?  
      When we accept the doctor's word over God, is our faith in Him alone? When we trust in medicines, counselors, our friends, jobs, ourselves etc. instead of God, where is our faith? Miracles happen when we dive in head first and say, "God you're it! You are all I have! My faith is in you alone." Refusing to look left or right, knowing every good thing comes from above, not the works of our hands. 
    I love reading about past revivalists - mighty men of God who were used to start waves of miracles. I also love reading about past pastors and their day to day triumphs, struggles and thoughts on the Bible. It's fascinating how many of the things they wrestling with or notice in the church are still true today. One book I'm reading (slowly) is, "Divine Healing" by Andrew Murray (1828-1917). Andrew mentions in his book how he believes many miss out on divine healing because the growing availability of medicine. It's easier for people to trust in it, rather than God. Which brings me to my point. There are so many things to put our faith in!  God is often looked at as a last resort instead of a first. If this was true in Andrew Murray's day, how much more so now? 
   I believe divided loyalty is one of the main reasons for unanswered prayers. Instead of God being our all in all, He's merely another option on a long list we are wishing upon.  
     As we  journey through this Christian life, we make choices daily that show God where our loyalties belong. Just as we'd want those we love and team up with to be fully committed to us, I believe God desires the same from us. I want my choices to show God that all my loyalty belongs to Him, not because He's a mean task master, but because He loves me and my heart flows with gratitude. This gratitude causes me to want to obey and live undivided in every way for my King. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Shareing the Wealth

    Politics! I don't follow a donkey or an elephant but a LION! I have yet to see a president that represents what I believe the Bible says. There are issues on both sides that I agree and disagree with, but one of the biggest things that gets on my nervs is when Republicans/Christians get heated over the idea of "sharing the wealth".  Now I'm not saying the Democrats would execute this idea in a productive way that would do as much good as it could, but the concept IF done right is Biblical. The thing is it can't be a government forced issue, it needs to be from a transformed heart willing to give. It needs to come from the church.
      We as Christians should be paying for people's health care, food, schooling, and more! I know some don't agree but it's in the Bible. I know many Christians give to other countries and that's great, but we are called to give to those that live among us as well. I feel like so much of our money goes over seas that our own people go without. Read the book of Acts, it shows us what the church should look like.
      "Everyone around was in awe—all those wonders and signs done through the apostles! And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony, holding everything in common. They sold whatever they owned and pooled their resources so that each person's need was met" - Acts 2:42-47 THE MESSAGE
     So this entitled attitude from Republican Christians that say people should work hard and do everything on their own is false. We are called to share the wealth! I know this angers many Republicans, but truly, sharing the wealth is a Biblical concept. The problem is here in America we are so used to having our own of everything. "This is my house, my car, my vacation, my college tuition, my health insurance, my family...etc" We've created a little world that's perfect and many of us feel self-righteous about it.
    I did recently come across a Christian health care plan called "MedShare" where Christians come together to pay each others health care bills. Now, I have not researched this company but IF it is what it advertises then that's awesome! Because God's called us to share our wealth! Blessed to be a blessing does not mean just feeding orphans overseas. It means paying for your neighbor's broken down car so he can go to work, it means helping someone out of debt they were forced into to feed their family, paying for an unexpected surgery, offering to bring someone groceries or filling their tank with gas. Pooling our resources so that each person's needs are met! (I'm preaching to myself too).
    Another reason why we see very little of this "sharing the wealth" from today's Christians is because we've all created lives for ourselves that we can not afford. When is enough, enough? My friend's husband got a huge raise at work and now her family is making almost 100k a year. Instead of being happy she said, "If only I could make 1k a month more, THEN we could bless people." Are you kidding me? Sadly this is the state of many wealthy Christians in America. We think God's provision means we will live like Hollywood celebrities, when in fact we are already more wealthy then most people.
      Our ideas of prosperity are twisted. God does not give us more money to buy more STUFF. He gives us more money to give it away and bless others. *think about that* :-)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What is a friend?

     Facebook has been very revealing. It's been a blessing and a burden. You get to see who your friends truly are and who they are not. Definitely bitter sweet. What is a friend? What are some qualities that makes someone a good friend? What are some of the things you expect from your friends? When I call someone a friend it means a lot. I expect my friends to be supportive, responsive and available.
       Facebook reveals people's hearts. You may invite your "friend" out to lunch and your "friend" ignores your post for weeks, yet when someone else invites them they respond within minutes. Revealing, right? You may start a business page or fan page in order to bring attention to your work and yet only half your "friends" bother showing any support even though you've made a point to advertise it several times. Revealing, right? The different revealing scenarios is endless, but each just as painful when you realize what's been uncovered, which is, your "friend" doesn't really like you and is probably not your "friend" at all. Just someone who is polite when they see you in person.
       I have two facebook pages. The 1st page is for everyone who adds me. It's pretty general and I use it for ministry. I have several thousand friends on there and I don't expect much, though I'm continually surprised at how much more supportive strangers are than people I actually know. My 2nd page is for people I know in person - it's more personal. I share about my personal life and post pictures of my family. I have several hundred friends on there, but I'm constantly cleaning it out. I expect more from people on that page. They are suppose to be those closest to me. I don't want people to simply spy on my life and yet there heart be far from me.
       People whose heart's are far from you are usually not supportive (though they may not outwardly say so, their actions speak loud and clear), they are not responsive, and never available (in anyway). Yet they spy on your life through Facebook. I don't have time for these relationships. As I find out who these people are I delete them. They can remain friends with me on my 1st page (the general one).
       Technology has changed relationships in a big way. We can not ignore it's effects. School, church and business relationships are touched by online social networking. Friendships will either be strengthened or thrown away many times solely based on interactions online. I believe this is because in person people can wear a "face" and be fake, whereas online you must take actions either by responding, participating or joining. It's made blatantly obvious when you don't which then reveals you were merely wearing your "face" in person. Facebook shows everyone you're "friends" with every time you interact with other people you are "friends" with. Those you really don't like soon begin to wonder, "hmm, they interact with everyone else. I guess they don't want to interact with me. Are we friends?" Sad but true.
       Many of relationships are shattered because of the freedoms online. I'm not sure people fully know how to manage these freedoms for the good of all yet, or realize how revealing their actions or lack of actions are (unless of course you are the one being rejected, in that case, you realize it all to well *hugs*).
     Anyways, I guess as I get older I expect more from those I allow close to me. I've never been one to stick around were I felt unwanted or cling to people that didn't have a desire to cling back. :-) Friendship needs to be mutual. Friends should be equally excited about each other and equally willing to meet in the middle and sometimes give more than they are getting. So for me I'm thankful for the revealing aspect of Facebook, though it's caused many tears I feel the pruning always makes me stronger and more secure with the love I do have from those that truly love me and I them. :-)