I know people expect you to be perfect before stepping out in faith to do what God has placed in your heart to do. But honestly, you’ll never be perfect. I don’t say that as a discouragement, but encouragement. There will always be something that leaves something to be desired.
I use to be one of those people that would just sit around and wait until everything in my life lined up perfectly, but then my super sharp mind (ha-ha) figured it out that nothing will ever be lined up exactly right. God may be dealing with you about your attitude this season, but once you’ve grown up and matured over that issue, you’ll face something else next season. There will always be something.
Also, there will always be someone who thinks you are not good enough or lack talent, even denies your gifting completely. But you cannot back down because every season will hold another growth experience. The blood of Jesus is our righteousness. He is perfect so we don’t have to be. Press forward and continue to allow the Lord to purify you, yes! But don’t shrink back and wait around doing nothing until some imaginary day arrives when you’ll be “perfect” because it won’t happen. God is pleased with you now and he’ll be pleased with you later too! People will put unrealistic expectations on you and even judge you when you let them down, but ultimately that is a problem that they have to work out within themselves. Don’t allow their ideals to make you feel unqualified and somehow broken. I believe that’s a trick of the enemy.
Your gifts were given to you by God to encourage and bless those around you and if He’s given you the gifts, don’t you think that He too will open a door for them? What parent would buy their kids a pair of skates but turn around and say, “They must sit on the shelf and never be touched!” or give their child a flat basketball without air? If you wouldn’t do that to your kids, why would God; the one who displayed the ultimate expression of love? Wouldn’t you want to see your kids laughing and skating with their new skates? Or shooting a hoop with their new basketball? Why would God have any less joy in watching us thrive in our spiritual gifts? Would you take your kids' skates away just because they didn’t know how to use them at first and fell down a few times? Or would you encourage them by saying, “You are doing great, get back up, and keep practicing, you’ll get the hang of it before you know it.” So why in the Body of Christ do we see people trying to take away another's gifts?
Yes you may have fallen short and yes you may have to work on a particular issue for a few season and yes God may have to teach you how to walk with your head held high full of His boldness, and yes there might be a lot of other things that look less than what they should be, BUT don’t give up. Don’t allow the words of bystanders to slow you down. Most of the world and even the Body of Christ only sees what is in the natural. They can’t comprehend the wonderful things the Lord is mending, molding, birthing, and fashioning inside of you.
If you have been discouraged by the words and attitudes of man, start today anew and forget what others have said about you or thought about you and even done to you and surrender your gifts and talents to the Lord. Step out in faith knowing your righteousness comes from the Blood of Jesus not on performance or lack thereof. You will never be perfect on your own; there will always be something in need of growth and maturity in your life. So stop waiting for an appointed day and just jump in the river.